Thursday 2 April 2015

Joomla CMS Interview Questions and Answers

Joomla Interview Questions and Answer:

1. What is Joomla?
Joomla is a CMS (Content Management System), used for  publishing content over the internet. User management, Content Management (like Artilces), Images mangement, Global configuration etc all inbuilt. Install and use the software. It allows you to build online applications and web sites. Joomla is an open source and available freely.

2. What are mambots and plugins?

 A Mambot is a small, task-oriented function that intercepts content before it is displayed and manipulates it in some way. Joomla! provides a number of Mambots in the core distribution, e.g. WYSIWYG editors.In Joomla! 1.5 mambots will be renamed plugins.

3. What are Positions?

 Site templates divides the page into number of positions, each with a different name. Positions are like top, bottom, nav, header, footer, module1, module2. You can also create/update the positions from the template.

4. What are Joomla components?
Content elements or applications that are usually displayed in the center of the main content area of a template. This depends on the design of the template in use. Components are core elements of Joomla!’s functionality. These core elements include Content, Banners, Contact, News Feeds, Polls and Web Links.
Members of the Joomla! community produce third party Joomla! components on a continuous basis.
They are freely available to download from and a number of other web sites.

5. How do I make a menu link that is not clickable?
To make a menu link that does not connect to anything (is not clickable) use the link type Separator/Placeholder.

6.  List out the benefits of using Joomla?

Benefits of Joomla is
  • It is an open source software
  • Tons of free components are available in
  • Permission and user role are inbuilt with Joomla
  • It allows to update your old Joomla from the admin section
  • Templates are available free of cost and can apply with one click
7.  Why use Joomla?
 Following are benfits to use Joomla

  • It is OpenSource means download & modified at free of cost.
  • It is CMS, You can add different types of content in same or different category can be added and published on your website.
  • Thousands of Free components are available in
  • User Modules, User Role and permission are in built with joomla.
  • It follow MVC 
  • You can also update your old joomla from admin section.
  • Easy to development websits in joomla.
  • Various template are available at free of cost and can apply within one click.

8.  What determines what is shown on my frontpage?
Front-page is a component that is part of the core of Joomla!, like the front page of a newspaper, it shows (usually) multiple pieces of content arranged in some way.
When you install Joomla! the front page component is by default set as the homepage of your site (that is it is the first link on your Main Menu) but front page does not have to be your "home" page.
What exactly appears on the front page and how it is laid out is controlled in two ways. First, if you open the menu link in your menu manager in the back-end there are numerous parameters that control the number of items shown, the number of columns.
9. What are Joomla modules?
Modules extend the capabilities of Joomla! giving the software new functionality. Modules are small content items that can be displayed anywhere that your template allows it to be displayed by assigning them to positions and pages through the module manager in the administrative interface.
Modules are installed in the Admin Section. Joomla! modules may include: Main Menu, Top menu, Template Chooser, Polls, Newsflash, Hit Counter, etc. Members of the Joomla! Community produces Joomla! modules on a continuous basis.
10. How do I change the favicon?
 You can manage favicon from configuration in Admin Section. you can upload a new favicon.
11. Explain what is the difference between Drupal and Joomla?

                      Joomla                              Drupal
-          Joomla uses plugin and modules-          Drupal has a module only
-          In order to support php code in Joomla, you need to install plugin-          You can directly write PHP code in Drupal
-          Relatively lower technical learning curve-          Relatively higher technical learning curve
-          Joomla uses Less and BootStrap.-          Drupal use smarty templat

 12.  By default what is the prefix Joomla have?

Joomla have prefix like jos_

13.  What are the advanced features or add-ons in Joomla that can be useful for the developer?

Joomla framework enables developer to build quickly and easily
  • Inventory control systems
  • Data reporting tools
  • Application bridges
  • Custom product catalogs
  • Integrated e-commerce systems
  • Complex business directories
  • Reservation systems
  • Communication tools

14.  In Joomla cms what is the file where database setting are stored?

Database setting are stored in the root directory under configuration.php

15.  Mention how many files are required to built module in Joomla?
  • mod_module_name.php
  • mod_module_name.xml
16. What are section, categories and content items?

Answer: Contents are the html pages that is managed by admin, It may have rich text, images, css, javascript, links to internal or external pages.
Contents are categorized in categories. Means 1 category have zero or more contents pages.
Categories are categorized in section. Means 1 section have zero or more categories.

17.  Is Joomla a Blog?

Joomla can be used as a blog, but it way more powerful and feature rich compared to full-blown blog systems like WordPress. Joomla should be preferred when your requirements are more than just blogging

18.  In Joomla how you can change the images in your template?

To change the image in your template, go to
  • Go to Site
  • Select template manager and then select your template
  • Click the icon for html

2  Explain what are the drawbacks of Joomla?
The drawback of Joomla are
  • At times Joomla’s code can become messy, this will make page loading time longer
  • Its architecture limits how many levels of sub categories can be created
12)   In Joomla cms what is the file where database setting are stored?
Database setting are stored in the root directory under configuration.php
19)   Explain how you can install an extension in Joomla?
From the backend of your Joomla site ( administration ) select installers and then the type of extension ( component, mambot/plugin, module, site template and so on )
  • First browse for the package file
  • Click the install icon
  • Follow instructions
For large extension, you cannot use the automated installer. In such case
  • Unzip all the files locally
  • In the install directory transfer the files to a folder
  • Then use installer to install the file

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